Sunday, July 19, 2009


Before I got my tonsils out. :D
I had to wear a gown w/ NOTHING underneath..
well I did get to ear my underwear, thank goodness.
For my surgery I couldnt have:
Nail polish, jewelry, make-up, contax, ..ect.
And before my surgery they made me pee in a cup, and I had to get an IV.
The IV was the worst part..
They first tried putting it in my left arm first and 'apparently' my veins were to small and they wiggled a lot so they had to try and put it in my other arm, and it luckily worked...
It hurt so bad, I cried.

And there it is.. :/
So the doctor comes and gets me and takes me to the O.R. and he gets me all situated on the bed and ready for surgery and I am laying there and he asks me....
"So are you ready to tell me a joke"
I reply, "No I dont know any jokes"
he says, "if you dont know any jokes then were just gonna have to do the surgery while you are awake.."
Then my arm starts to really hurt and get super pained. (IV)
I go, "Well I am sorry I dont know any jokes, I am not good at telling them"
Then he says, "Its okay, have a nice nap and take deep breaths"..
Then I was out and the surgery began.

Me after my surgery.. According to my mother I made that face a lot...
How embarrassing.
Here is a few videos of my ridiculous state of mind after my surgery.

here is one more...

Welp. Hope you enjoyed it more than I did...
It was painful and glad I never have to do it ever again in my life.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Past Week Adventures.

I have a secret gift of going cross eyed.
Build a Lego house w/ Caden.

Went to the pool again w/ Caden.
Shocker. ;P

I went to El Sol.
Accidently closed my eyes, cool.
Sold glowy stuff w/ Cadens family at the Lewiston Fair.
Went to the fireworks w/ Caden.
(we've taken better pictures)

I finally bucked up and did a backhandspring at Drill Team practice.
Yeahh boi.
Call me daring if you'd like.
Other things that occured:
-- I set off illegal fireworks on a golf course.
--Got my first pay check.
--Worked a 12 hour shift..... :/
--Got sick.
--Got new tires on my car.
--Attended Jonathon and Jess' wedding.. (I tried putting up pictures but it wouldnt let me.. It was the cutest thing EVER!) :D

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Boating with my dear friends. :D

Me and Caden, after boating.

Miss Stephanie.
"Moby WHAT!"
Cody Galbbb.
"Nip lickerr".
Cody - Emily - Keaton.
Boating was a fun filled day.
Full of wakeboarding, surfing and tubing.
Tubing brought out the best in is...
Considering all we did was scream rotten names at each other.
"yuhh dick banger."
"wiener smacker 5000"
Good times, good times.
&& I got to share them with my best friends. :D
I love you guys.